Title: Director
Email: muirhead@udel.edu
Dr. Faith Muirhead received her Ph.D. from Michigan State University. She has served the PI and Co-Pi on multiple MSP and NSF-funded grant projects. As a former secondary mathematics and physics teacher in NYC public schools, school administrator, math coach, and educational consultant for urban, rural, and suburban school districts, Dr. Muirhead has worked across districts, schools, and classrooms in NYC, New York State, New Jersey, Michigan, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware to support administrators, coaches, and teachers to enact high-quality instruction. Dr. Muirhead’s work has focused on high-needs schools in urban and rural contexts, specifically supporting typically underrepresented student populations. She spends significant amounts of time in K-12 classrooms as well as schools identified as needing targeted and comprehensive support.
She is committed to working to remove the obstacles at K-12, university, and policy levels that get in the way of teaching that provides equitable access to resources and opportunities for all students. She is immersed in research and writing a coaching philosophy she calls RealTime Coaching, where the coaching of both practicing and prospective teachers and administrators happens in the midst of their work. Using three different perspectives of coaching (cognitive, content-focused, and instructional), she uses role-plays, rehearsals, and analyses of video in order to identify and explore improving teaching and learning.