Alison Travers

Title: Assistant Director, DASL

Phone: 302-500-7033



Alison Travers, Ed.D., is a Senior Leadership Specialist in the Delaware Academy for School Leadership. She has served in multiple roles at DASL since 2008, specializing in program design and project management. She is the coordinator of DASL’s national leadership partnerships with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association. From 2017 – 2020, she assisted in the ongoing design and coordinated the implementation of NASSP’s School Leaders Academy™ which utilizes Design Thinking as a tool for school improvement planning. She is the Program Manager for the University of Delaware “PPP”: Principal Preparation Program, a principal preparation program in the State of Delaware. Alison currently manages multiple professional development programs for aspiring and practicing education leaders and their school teams in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education.

Alison completed her doctoral studies in K-12 Educational Leadership. Her doctoral research focused on support for novice school leaders and the development of their emotional intelligence to foster effective, positive leadership. She also holds a Masters degree in Public Administration, concentrating on education policy and organizational leadership.