Title: Assistant Director, Content-Specific Curriculum Supports
Email: jtdaley@udel.edu
Jaime True Daley is the Senior Associate Director of Content-specific Curricular Supports at the School Success Center. She earned her Doctorate in Special Education from Johns Hopkins University in 2016. Most recently, she developed and taught graduate courses for the UD M.Ed. in Exceptional Children and Youth. Dr. Daley focuses on evidence-based practices for delivering explicit instruction in literacy, mathematics, and self-regulation to children with disabilities in general education settings. She specializes in training teachers to effectively use co-teaching models to provide specially designed instruction to culturally and linguistically diverse learners with disabilities in under-served communities. Prior to joining UD, she achieved a Teacher of the Year Award and National Board Certification as an Exceptional Needs Specialist. She recently authored three chapters on instruction and is completing her book, titled Specially Designed Instruction: Evidence-based Practices for Self-Determined Learning.