The annual Policy & Practice Institute: Delaware’s Conference on Public Education is the premier professional learning event for educators in Delaware and regionally. Each June, educators come together to learn, share, network and celebrate at this one-day statewide conference. Local educators serve as presenters and facilitators of learning on topics related to leading and learning.

23rd Annual Policy & Practice Institute

Tuesday, June 24, 2025

Dover High School, Dover, Delaware

The 23rd Annual Policy and Practice Institute: Delaware’s Conference on Public Education will feature in-person learning and networking opportunities including professional learning through breakout sessions, poster sessions, and Delaware “TIDE” talk presentations.

Call for Proposals

Educators are encouraged to submit a proposal for a breakout session, poster presentation, or Delaware “TIDE” talk presentation by April 11, 2025.

Presentation Formats:

Poster Presentation

Poster presentations are ideal for sharing research, resources, or strategies that do not require a full workshop or interactive session. A poster presentation consists of a printed 36”x48” document that visually summarizes your work using text and images. Posters will be displayed in a common area where attendees can browse and engage in informal discussions. Presenters typically spend 5-10 minutes sharing their work and answering questions.

Breakout Session

Breakout sessions are 45-minute interactive workshops designed to engage adult learners. These sessions may include presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities that provide participants with actionable ideas and strategies they can implement in their organizations. Breakout sessions should be engaging, innovative, and aligned with the conference theme.

Delaware TIDE Talks

Delaware TIDE Talks (Trailblaze, Innovate, Discover, Empower) are high-energy, five-minute presentations designed to inspire, innovate, and tell powerful stories. Presented in a general session to all attendees, TIDE Talks follow a fast-paced format using 20 slides, auto-advancing every 15 seconds. Presenters should rely on visual storytelling with minimal text to captivate the audience and spark meaningful conversations.

Who Attends?

The annual Policy & Practice Institute: Delaware’s Conference on Public Education is the premiere event for education leaders in Delaware and surrounding areas and is attended annually by over 600 teachers, school leaders, district leaders, board members, education policymakers and Department of Education staff.

  •  Educators
  •  School – district – charter leaders
  •  University faculty & students
  •  Education policy leaders

Event Hosts

The Policy & Practice Institute: Delaware’s Conference on Public Education is hosted in partnership by the Delaware Department of Education, the Delaware Association of School Administrators, the University of Delaware Partnership for Public Education, and the University of Delaware School Success Center.

For information about The 23rd Annual Policy & Practice Institute, Contact